Our Story

During the COVID-19 pandemic, I found myself staring at empty store shelves and feeling completely unprepared. Like many of you, I wanted to be more ready for everyday challenges and emergencies—whether it was dealing with a blister while out, an unexpected flu, a car breakdown, or those power outages that always seemed to catch us off guard.

I began looking into ways to be better prepared, but most resources I found focused on extreme scenarios like doomsday bunkers and off-grid living, which wasn’t what I needed. I wanted something practical, something that could seamlessly fit into my daily life.

And so, Abundantly was born. I created it to simplify preparedness, making it easy and approachable for everyone. Our step-by-step guide helps you integrate preparedness into your daily routine effortlessly.

I'm so glad you're here, whether you're just starting your journey or looking to enhance your preparedness. Together, we can make sure you're more ready for whatever comes next.

Ellen Beaumont

Founder, Abundantly